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The project explores how and to what extent project prepared tools to affect teacher’s wellbeing indicators. Mixed-methods experimental research, combining a quasi-experimental intervention study (QE) and a qualitative Participatory Action Research (PAR) study in schools, will be conducted in 8 countries.

  • Then in every partner’s country, teachers will be randomly assigned to three groups – double intervention / experimental gr. A with (two cycles of PAR by providing two interventions – participation in intervention – online course – development and participation in learning with this intervention (two test-factors) and performing pre-test and post-test);
  • single intervention / experimental gr. B (one cycle of PAR by providing one intervention – participation in learning with online course (test-factor) and performing pre-test and post-test);
  • no intervention control gr. C (only performing post-test).

The before-after comparisons will be implemented by testing the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis I

teachers who participate in the development of intervention and participate in learning with this intervention demonstrate significantly improved professional wellbeing (gr. A) than teachers who did not participate in the development of the intervention but participate in learning with this intervention (gr. B).

Hypothesis II

teachers who participate in the development of intervention and participate in learning with this intervention demonstrate significantly improved professional wellbeing (gr. A) than teachers who did not participate in intervention development and did not participate in this intervention (gr. C).

Hypothesis III

teachers who did not participate in the development of the intervention but participate in learning with this intervention (gr. B) demonstrate significantly improved professional wellbeing than teachers who did not participate in the development of intervention and did not participate in learning with this intervention (gr. C).

We are sharing a list of scientific publications prepared during the project implementation period.

1. B. Martinsone, V. Žydžiūnaitė (2023). Teachers’ Contributions to the School Climate and Using Empathy at Work: Implications from Qualitative Research in Two European Countries.. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1160546

2. V. Žydžiūnaitė, B. Martinsone. Empowerment and power of a teacher through
contributing to positive relationships and using positive discipline in school
environment: teachers’ experiences in two Baltic countries. European Journal of
Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(1): 305-325..DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.1.305. URL:

3. B. Martinsone, Di Sano S., D’Elia P., La Salle-Finley T. (2023). A conceptual framework of
sustainable promotion of positive school climate: Context, challenges and solutions.
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, vol. 25. no. 1, p. 64-85.

4. Ornaghi V., Conte E., Cavioli V., Farina E., Pepe A. (2023). The role of teachers’ socio-emotional competence in reducing burnout through increased work engagement.

Frontiers in https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1295365

5. Conte E., Cavioli V., Ornaghi V., (2024). Exploring Stress Factors and Coping Strategies in Italian Teachers after COVID-19: Evidence from Qualitative Data.

6. Teachers’ Professional Wellbeing. A Digital Game Based Social-Emotional Learning Intervention. (2024). Baiba Martinsone, Maria Therese Jensen, Christian Wiesner, Kerstin Angelika Zechner Eds. Klinkhardt.

7. Martinsone, B., Vanaga, A., & Damberga, I. (2023). Pētījuma rezultāti par pedagogue profesionālo labklājību Latvijā. Research results on teachers’ professional wellbeing in Latvia. VISC. ISBN 978–9934–24–189–5

8. EDUCATIONAL ARTICLE. Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Cavioni, V., Grazzani, I., Farina, E., & Pepe, A. (2022). Teaching to Be: favorire il benessere professionale dei docenti [tr. “Teaching to Be: Enhancing teachers’ professional wellbeing”]. Bicocca Research
Magazine, 11, 16-17.

9. EDUCATIONAL ARTICLE. Conte, E., & Grazzani, I. (2024). Favorire la salute mentale nella scuola dell’infanzia. Le figure educative come motori di cambiamento [tr. Promoting mental health in kindergartens. Educational figures as drivers of change]. Bambini, 2, 14-19.

10. SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE. Cavioni, V., Conte, E., & Ornaghi, V. (2024). Promoting teachers’ well-being through a serious game intervention: A qualitative exploration of teachers’ experiences. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1339242

11. BOOK CHAPTER. Cavioni. V., Conte, E., & Ornaghi, V. (in press). Il progetto europeo “Teaching to Be”: Promuovere la salute mentale dei docenti con un serious game” [tr. “The “Teaching to Be” European project: Promoting teachers’ mental health through a serious game”]. In G. A. Toto (ed.), Metaverso ed educazione. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

12. EDUCATIONAL ARTICLE. Conte, E., Cavioni, V., & Ornaghi, V. Un percorso verso il benessere professionale degli insegnanti: aspetti innovativi e risultati del progetto Teaching to Be [tr. “A path to teachers’ professional wellbeing: Original features and findings from the Teaching to Be project”]. Idee in Form@zione.

13. SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE. Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Pepe, A., Farina, E., & Cavioni, V. The effectiveness of an online wellbeing training course on teachers’
emotional competence, self-efficacy, resilience, and perceived stress.

14. Meller H., Dörfler S., Karrer H., Mittmann G., Rauch J., Rüdiger T., Wiesner C., Zechner K., and Schrank B. (2024). Operationalisation of stress factors among school teachers and its relationship with personal and environmental factors: a scoping review.

15. Dörfler, S., Karrer, H., Steiner-Hofbauer, V., Mittmann, G., Mitic, M., Wiesner, C.,
Zechner, K., Žydžiūnaitė, V., Rutkienė, A., Martinsone, B., Ornaghi, V. M., Conte, E.,
Cavioni, V., Reis J. J., Barqueira, A., Baltazar, I., Ferreira, M. P., Pacheco, P., and Schrank B. (2024). Teachers’ Experiences of Communication Practices with Students, Colleagues, Parents, and School Collective that Shape Their Professional Wellbeing.

16. Markus Talvio, Marco Ferreira and Lawrence Meda. Innovations in teaching and
learning: International approaches in developing teacher education and curriculum for the future. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/49759/innovations-in-teaching-and-learning-international-approaches-in-developing-teacher-education-and-curriculum-for-the-future/magazine?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=rt_magazine_share&utm_content=rt49759